Welcome, to my personal blog where I share my perspectives and Insights on sarcoidosis; and navigating life with this chronic condition called SAR-KOI-DOSIS. As well explore strategies for wellness, balance, and managing sarcoidosis systemically.



At 'About Sarcoidosis When You're @Home', we believe in the power of personal stories to inspire and educate. Lisa, one of our contributors, bravely shares her journey with Ocular and Systemic Sarcoidosis.



Lisa's Diagnosis Sarcoidosis--


In #Sarcoidosis
What's my experience?
Having sarcoidosis is my experience!

About me 



Initial symptoms, the diagnostic process, and how she coped with the news.

Insights into Lisa's daily life, managing symptoms, and finding joy despite the challenges.

-My Story...



I too have Sarcoidosis, Ocular & Systemic Sarcoidosis--

(Additionaly, too sarcoidosis - Heerfordt Syndrome Subacute sarcoidosis)





Sarcoidosis starts Somewhere & that somewhere was my Eye!


I didn' have pink eye 

It was Ocular Sarcoidosis...





- What's important  is not to ignore symptoms...



With Ocular Sarcoidosis of the eye/eyes a medical eye doctor is needed; to primarily look for anterior, posterior or paniveitis #uveitis... 


A Medical Eye Doctor!

Such as - An Ophthalmologist, Uveitis Specialist or Retina Specialist.. 





It's not just a Lisa  problem...



Sarcoidosis is an Inflammatory disease-

- Sarcoidosis, has no respect of person because it can effect people of all ages, races & nationalities & backgrounds --



I Diagress!

What is this sarcoidosis? Cause you look fine!  #WT

My Survey ergo., opinion & insights 


I didn't get a survey asking how was my experience!

(Pun intended)


In general who wants to answer those annoying surveys, we all now get via., Email, primarily... an at one time was primarily via mail...



Unlike, marketing surveys... Medical surveys, are important surveys usually healthcare surveys; are linked to some type of funding, finances, grant money etc., Whatever, the reason for surveys, they're good at gaining insights on whatever the topic is.... such as health care survey responses, for opinions/insights of the experience during your healthcare visit (s) as a patient are actually...

Perspectively, Important! 

Surveys, as it relates to Sarcoidosis--


#Cognizance #Awareness 

Especially, as there's no cure yet for sarcoidosis!



It's  know one's fault that I have SAR-KOI-DOSIS--



As a patient diagnosed with #Sarcoidosis I am Simply #Blogging 

With respect to insights on #sarcoidosis --

#Survey of sorts on sarcoidosis insights...   But, -If you will! via #Blog 





What is my EXPERIENCE--



Sarcoidosis is the experience!




It's Insight from my first-hand personal #sarcoidosis experiences...


Moreover, experience living with & managing sarcoidosis systemically;  Additionally, while also contending with other comorbidities...

At the same time for more then 10+years. 







Hence, About-Sarcoidosis It's-

Not just...

My Lifestyle Blog-- 


Living with Sarcoidosis

One day at a time!






About-Sarcoidosis@Home You are not alone!

- I too have Sarcoidosis...

SAR-KOI-DOSIS, it's not just in my eye!  


Its in my entire body, systemic sarcoidosis as sarcoidosis can effect any region of the body or organ.  I know first-hand that the journey of sarcoidosis is lonely and mentally exhausting doubled with physical exhaustion from fatigue.  Also, from just having sarcoidosis an exhausting in the journey, while doctors figure out whats wrong.

- It is absolutely, A journey into a type of no man's land and I hate cliches...  




My Rheumatologist, diagnosed me with sarcoidosis!


Sarcoidosis, acutely started in my right eye an eventually chronic; as well as my skin acutely (with rashes/ skin legions, facial raised patches under both eyes & painless under skin nodules), parotid gland, salivary glands, sinus, pancreatitis symptoms etc,.  Absolutely, I'm concerned about the spot /area on my #Liver that was noticed on an MRI for something else; is it  possibly Hepatic Sarcoidosis (Granulomatous Liver)! on my liver? Or is it a fatty liver? as I've never been a drinker if you will #just socially.

Systemic Sarcoidosis is exhausting with the various & numerous manifestation of the Variations Sarcoidosis symptoms can present!  Really, who the #WT wants to be a subject matter expert on #Sarcoidosis!  #IJS #Sarcasm, Sarcoidisis is exhausting... -Heck just give me a whole body MRI!


Ocular Sarcoidosis! 


My doctor stressed to me that even with auto-immune suppressants; some sarcoidosis patients have some degree or total loss of vision. This is when I was forced to become aware! knowledgeable - Hence, About-Sarcoidosis!  Hence...




#Due Diligence as a patient with sarcoidosis.




I call it the journey of sarcoidosis and its exactly that until you get an official diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis, Fatigue is alike to a day in the life of let's say a grandparent... who awakes early after sleeping all night, bathes has breakfast and then watches tv in their favorite recliner.  You notice that they have slept the day away... watching tv, but actually sleeping in their recliner all day.


It's brushed off their old and that they slept all day... slept the day away.   Mind you their happy in their recliner chair no complaints, not one.  Why, I say... they have no energy, and we call it being old.... to sleep all day after having slept all night, how is it possible!




Conversely, and similarly... this is how a person with sarcoidosis feels as it relates to fatigue, exhaustion, no energy, exhausted even after sleeping all night!




A little mindfulness... keep in mind tired is remedied by sleeping verses tired/exhaustion; when you have sarcoidosis is not remedied with sleep. Sarcoidosis is now known to be a common chronic illness!  That affects people all over the world living with sarcoidosis.




This Blog is for me, you...

Me You & Sarcoidosis!

Who walk alone until there is a diagnosis that you have sarcoidosis; which sometimes can take years... or for some may have already taken years!


- Lastly, www.about-sarcoidosis.com is sarcoidosis information I wish I new, when #Sarcoidosis symptoms started in my body 10+yrs ago. 

Life Balance Making It Make Sence!

About Sarcoidosis@Home... 

I say it's #Due Diligence, meaning due your part-- Of a #Balance of staying healthy living with #Sarcoidosis...


xoxoLisa Akridge

- Sarcoidosis #Gear Informational Insights...


This website www.about-sarcoidosis.com is not, an is not meant to be comprehensive and should only be used for informational purposes only.