■Sarcoidosis #Stuff■



FYI:  There are 4 stages of Scarcoidosis:   


Stage 0

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Stage IV


Preferably, Find a doctor who specializes in Scarcoidosis.


Find a Rheumatologist or Immunology specialist 

            - Your team of doctors might look like this at some point or stage, depending what stage sarcoidosis you're in ... 



Specialists in...


  • Nurology

  • Pulmonology

  • Electrophysiology

  • Cardiology/Cardiovascular

  • Dermatology

  • Rheumatology

  • Gastroenterologist 

  • Ophthalmologist

  • Sleep Medicine

  • Critical Care


    Putting the puzzle pieces together ....



Cardiac testsFDG-PET — highly sensitive to detect cardiac involvement.  Imaging tests, including MRI, ultrasound, or PET scan, which may be used to search for granulomas or inflammation in other parts of the body.


A chest X-ray or a CT scan, which may show abnormalities in the lungs, including inflammation (granulomas) or scar tissue.


Such as... (Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathydisseminated nodules in the lungs)


Blood tests, Such as for Anemia, Anemia occurs due to granulomatous bone marrow involvement, or chronic disease state.


Blood tests, are needed which may help to rule out other conditions.  


Such as ..... with an increase in serum calcium levels and abnormal liver function tests often accompany sarcoidosis.



Pulmonary function test- 

High-resolution CT — differentiation of sarcoidosis from other pulmonary conditions.  FDG-PET — highly sensitive to detect pulmonary involvement



- A biopsy - which may confirm the presence of granulomas in the Lungs, Lymph nodes or other organs, including the skin.



Tissue biopsy (for the presence of granuloma) Lungs, lymph node, skin, salivary glands.

Other Test ... 24-hour urinary calcium excretion and Liver and kidney function tests

Dont leave out any symptoms when speaking with your doctors.

You will need a specialist for each body part that is effected by scarcoidosis. 

Yearly, physical with lab work. Depending on your medications you may need blood work... every 6 to 8 weeks to meaure the effects on your Kidney/Liver.