- It's because...
I have sarcoidosis my immune system Is lnbalanced...
Most days sarcoidosis simply just makes me feel unwell!
The Sarcoidosis Fatigue!
Usually is every day!
Some days I sleep 12hrs an some days for days not getting out of bed!
The confusing part is I look well...
For me #Methotrexate seems to start working (for the lack of a better word) if you will on day 3 or 4.
I find that taking weekly injections of #Methotrexate at home sometimes, I'm afforded 2 day out of the weekly injection maybe inwhich I feel slightly better but its a hit or miss on all levels.
PS.. When I take my weekly injection of Methotrexate at home, the day after an sometimes the next day as well I stil feel unwell an even worse.