■Why- Some people join #Sarcoidosis Groups--■

If you're not a why person you will be...

If you're told you have sarcoidosis #IJS 



Not Just Sarcoidosis!




Under the constraints of seeing patients & scheduleing; doctors don't  have the time to answer all your questions even if they want to...




Patient Triage--

  Thats what the medical assistant is for the chatting patients before the doctor comes in.... #IJS



People join sarcoidosis groups- Partly, for this vary reason... too get insights on the littlest thing! alike or may not feel comfortable asking questions to there doctors.




If your like me --  A Lisa Experience!




I obviously, asked a previous doctor to many questions.

The Doctor, actually snapped at me with tone!


Years ago--

On my 5th (SAR-KOI-DOSIS) why question--




"Its because you have sarcoidosis"

with tone! 


The tone like, dont ask any more questions tone!

The tone was they were annoyed! an as if I was being scolded like a child! For asking to many why questions... #IJS 


So, I understand--

Why people join #Sarcoidosis Groups--



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