■Some, maybe preoccupied, focused on■ #Lung Sarcoidosis but.,



Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disorder! that can affect #many organs, including the skin, eyes, and joints.



I speak from a place of--

- After me comes you thought...


There needs to be #Awareness when a sarcoidosis patient is having possible symptoms of other organ involved! Which sometimes tend  to be ignored or side-bared when a patient has sarcoidosis an looks well! ##Human factors  on symptom management an treatment of sarcoidosis when you look well!


Again #The journey of sarcoidosis is exhausting!

-- Preventative Care Matters an importantly, management and treatment of symptoms an progression of sarcoidosis and its symptoms an other organ involvement., delaying progression of sarcoidosis is another conservation I'll side-bare!
