■It's Important to know■

NEW SYMPTOM Concerns--


SAR-KOI-DOSIS Has to be a or should be...

High consideration-- When a Patient has  SARCOIDOSIS...If Spleen & Pancreatitis symptoms could be associated to Sarcoidosis!

Both cause  pain on the upper left side under the ribs when you have sarcoidosis!


Pain in this area should not be taken lightly...

It should not be ignored when you have sarcoidosis!

- Ive had such pain on 3 occasions thus far an MRI revealed pancreatitis!


Unfortunately, my complaint of such pain was not taken seriously at first!

Understandably, so that would be Understandable... if I didn't have sarcoidosis. 


#Due Diligence is key in getting answers when you have symptoms and you look well!  Example is o'h you have a sprain to your upper left quadrant under the ribs; that would be fine if I didn't have SAR-KOI-DOSIS.   Borderline, being treated  like  a #Hypochondriac #JS So real symptoms pushed off for a later date when you look well! Preventative Care Matters  an is ignored a lot as such when you have sarcoidosis!

You dont want to wait an see or on your next visit scenarios #JS when you have sarcoidosis!
