■ SAR-KOY-DOSIS Wellness is not ignoring Symptoms■



From my experience...



■ Symptoms are the window to your body alerting you something is wrong■




This is especially, true when you have sarcoidosis; that can effect any region/part of your body!




■Preventative Care & Wellness■ # Really!



Preventative Care  & Wellness when you have sarcoidosis its a direct correlation of addressing the signals;  which are SYMPTOMS! of which body part sarcoidosis may now or may be affecting!


If your symptoms, however mild.. when you look well are not being taken seriously, it may be time for a 2nd opinion etc,.


Its funny, because healthcare providers talk about  Wellness an Preventative Care; an when you  follow up on Symptoms to maintain Wellness as a part of Preventative Care... when you know you have sarcoidosis... with having sarcoidosis sometimes, mild symptoms are side-bared!  My example is upper abdominal pain or left side pain just under the rips or upper back right sided pain under the ribs... or signs of hypercalcemia, signs of calcium kidney stones or pancreatitis-  An should not be taken lightly when you have sarcoidosis. Especially, when you're healthcare provider knows you have sarcoidosis #IJS Wheres the Wellness an Preventative Care!

This, is not blaming healthcare providers!

its just to note that me or you  maybe better served; with another provider whom takes you're sarcoidosis more seriously as well as Wellness and preventative care when you have sarcoidosis.


How a person with sarcoidosis really gets treated when  presenting new symptoms.... is another conservation...

Thats why I said Preventative Care #Really...


#JS. xoxoLisa