My unknown rashes year's ago pre-sarcoidosis diagnosis, at the time were bad! I didn't know I had sarcoidosis at the time; To the point when at a store, people would not hand me my change an every time put my change on the counter! as not to touch me... I wish I had taken pictures back then but I didn't.
The above is a pic of my arm... I seldom get a skin scarcodosis flare but back in the day it was a straight 7yrs. I was misdiagnosed from Dermatitis to Eczema to Rosacea; when it was #Sarcoidosis.. I was shocked when I had this flare last year when it had been years since I had a sarcoidosis rash. Sarcoidosis rashes on people of color may not look the same in medical books an the #Variations of sarcoidosis an subacute on the skin an skin color.
The most common cutaneous manifestations of Sarcoidosis on the skin are: macules, papules, plaques, subcutaneous nodules, LP, scar sarcoidosis, and erythema nodosum. I Found that, Skin flares of sarcoidosis on the skin will hugely vary as to what they look like, especially on skin of people of color.
I have also had the classic papules, as little as 1 or two singular sarcoidosis papules; which I find happened when I was skipping my medication or forgetting. Also, me sitting in the sun for sometimes as little as 15 minutes or more will cause me to have a sarcoidosis skin flare; and as well few days later after being in the sun will cause me to have sarcoidosis symptoms to also include sarcoidosis papules/skin flares.
Fyi: Sarcoidosis can appear on the face in many ways, including small bumps called papules and larger raised patches called plaques:
These small bumps can be reddish brown, violet, tan, brown, or the same color as your skin. They're usually painless and often appear around the eyes or on the neck.
■Other skin manifestations of sarcoidosis include■
Lupus pernio
Large bluish-red or dusky purple nodules and plaque-like lesions on the nose, cheeks, ears, fingers, and toes.
Red-brown to purple lesions that are less than 1 cm in diameter and are found on the face and neck.